Sunday, September 06, 2009

Sun Down, Moon Up

As I rode my last downhill mile back to the car, I passed about a hundred tourists standing with cameras poised on the bluffs outside of Jenner, at the mouth of the Russian River, to capture the vision of the sun going down over the scenic rocks scattered off in the water.

I was done riding and had no desire to join them, but the light at that hour is magical, and I stood at the car and froze in time the little things I saw.

In Northern California, the moon has more trouble pushing up through shaggy trees. In Southern California, mostly it goes up between palm trees and very seldom gets entangled.


Kangamoo said...

I watched it break free from the palms, and it did it fairly easily. I hope it was just as successful in the shaggy NoCal trees.

CaliforniaGirl said...

Your car sure enjoyed a nice parking place while you were out climbing hills without it.